Sunday, February 12, 2012

DIY Valentine Top

Seeing as though I talked about men last week, and addressed all the lovers out there back in January, I suppose that it’s only fair that I write a column geared toward all the single ladies out there.  You know the type.  The Valentine’s Day scrooge who wishes cupid would shove those stupid arrows where the “sun don’t shine” as they say.  Since I like to play fair, this one’s for you, sweetheart.  

Just because you aren’t in love, doesn’t mean you can’t look lovely while you’re sitting at home with a frown on your face and that bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon when the 14th rolls around.  Remember ladies: that grotesque scowl you’re currently sporting can lead to monstrous frown lines, and we don’t need any of those, especially if we’re single (and can’t afford Botox).  Here’s an idea:  Turn that frown upside down and get crafty with your bad self.  Go ahead, be a little narcissistic and give yourself a gift this year.  After all, you’re single and probably won’t be receiving bouquets of flowers or boxes of chocolates (which is really a gift in itself if you take into consideration how many unnecessary calories you’ll be sparing yourself).  Or, better yet, gift one of you unsuspecting single friends with your heartfelt DIY Valentine!  She’ll be forever grateful that you remembered her on this day that is typically meant for all the couples out there.

DIY Lace Inset Heart Shirt
  1. Fold a piece of 8.5x11” paper in half (as you would to create a greeting card)
  2. Using a marker, draw a half heart on the fold of the paper.  I used a French curve to create mine, but it is just as simple to freehand your design.
  3. Cut your heart design from the paper and set heart cutout aside
  4. Select a shirt of your choice (tank, t-shirt, or long sleeved shirt), and turn inside out.
  5. Lay the original paper (with heart cutout) flat on the inside out shirt.  Measure in .5” from the outside edge of the paper heart stencil and follow the heart shape, marking the t-shirt with a marker.
  6. Cut the shirt along the marker line, making a heart cutout in your shirt that will be 1” less in diameter than your original paper cutout (.5” on each side).
  7. Take the paper heart cutout and trace the shape onto a piece of lace of your choice.  Or, use an old shirt of your choice to create the heart from.  Try something fun, like a wild pattern or texture to inset in your new shirt!
  8. Cut the heart shape from the lace or fabric of your choice, and pin or glue onto the wrong side of your cutout shirt. 
  9. If you would like to sew the heart in place, either hand stitch or machine stitch around the outline of the heart, fusing the shirt to the inset fabric.  If you are not a sewer, simply use some fabric glue! 
  10. Turn shirt right side out and enjoy!

Voila!  You’re new shirt may not get you a lover, but it will make you feel lovely about your craftiness, and you’re cute new top.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  For more fashion wholesomeness, check out my store The Purple Zebra in person or on the web at, and become a fan on Facebook.  Coming soon to The Purple Zebra:  Good+Pretty Sewing & Crafting classes and parties!  Oh my GOODness.

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